The project activities are implemented in four (4 )work packages.
- WP1: Hazards characterization and control in Nile perch fishery. Activities mainly address hazards associated with the Nile perch fishery.
- WP2: Value addition and development of new processed fish products from Nile perch and sardines. Studies are identifying bottlenecks in the handling of fish and their by-products at all stages of the value chain that result into poor quality fish.
- WP3: Development of business model and domestic and international markets. The IMLAF partners are working with private sectors under PPP arrangements to establish innovation platforms for sustainable market opportunities.
- WP4: Research capacity building and training. This work package describes training activities for capacity building in research and communication of research findings.
Participants, organisation and management:
In Tanzania, this project is implemented by researchers at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro; Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-IST) in Arusha; National Fish Quality Control Laboratory (NFQCL), Mwanza; and Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) Nyegezi, Mwanza.
In Denmark, implementation of project activities involves researchers based at University of Copenhagen, Danish Technical University (DTU) and Institute of Food Resource and Economics.
Researchers in different institutions and areas of specialization
Prof. Robinson Mdegela (PhD)
Sokoinie University of Agriculture
Fish health and Toxicology
Risk Assessment Overall Project Leader
Researcher and supervision of students in WP1
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Prof. Anders Dalsgaard (PhD)
Food microbiology Risk Assessment HACC
Node Leader
Researcher and supervision of students in WP1
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Prof Anita Forslund (PhD)
Food microbiology Risk Assessment HACC
Node Leader
Researcher and supervision of students in WP1
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Dr. Jesper Clausen (PhD)
Food microbiology Risk Assessment HACC
Node Leader
Researcher and supervision of students in WP1
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Prof. Lughano Kusilika
Food Microbiology
Risk Assessment
Researcher and supervision of students in WP1
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Mr. Ofred Mhongole (Finalizing his PhD)
Sokoinie University of Agriculture
Food Microbiology
Post-doc student WP1
Overall supervisor of field work and laboratory analysis at NFQCL
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Prof. Henry Laswai (PhD)
Sokoinie University of Agriculture
Food Processing Technology
Researcher and supervision of students in WP2
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Assoc. Prof. Henrik Hauch Nielsen (PhD)
DTU Food
Food Processing Technology
Researcher and supervision of students in WP2
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Assoc. Prof. Jesper Lassen (PhD)
Fisheries economics and markets
Researcher and supervision of students in WP3
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Ms. Fausta Mapunda (Finalizing her PhD)
Sokoinie University of Agriculture
Agricultual Economics
Post-doc student WP3
Researcher and supervision of students in WP3
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Dr. Liliane Pasape
Commercilization of Innovations
Researcher and supervision of students in WP3
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Ms Modesta Ntara (Finalizing her PhD)
Marketing, Governance and Sociology and Anthropology
Researcher and supervision of students in WP3
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Ms Eva Moshiro
Innovations and Markets for Lake Victoria Fisheries (IMLAF Marketing, Governance and Sociology and Anthropology
Research Assistant
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Mkunda, J. J., Lassen, J., Chachage, B., Kusiluka, L., Pasape, L. Mkunda (2018). A review of Lake Victoria sardine products business and institutional arrangements for domestic and regional trade. Business and Change Management, pp 596 - 61
WEFTA conference, Lisbon 2018. Effect of clove water extracts pre-treatment on lipid oxidation in sun dried sardines (Rastrineobola argentea) from Lake Victoria, Tanzania
Hounmanou, Y.M.G., Mdegela, R.H., Dougnon, T.V., Achoh, M.E., Mhongole, O.J., Agadjihouèdé, H., Gangbè, L. and Dalsgaard, A., 2018. Tilapia lake virus threatens tilapiines farming and food security: Socio-economic challenges and preventive measures in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aquaculture, 493:123-129
Baniga, Z., Mdegela, R.H., Lisa, B., Kusiluka, L.J. and Dalsgaard, A., 2019. Prevalence and characterisation of Salmonella Waycross and Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae in Nile perch (Lates niloticus) of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Food Control, 100: 28–34
Baniga, Z., Dalsgaard, A., Mhongole, O.J., Madsen, H. and Mdegela, R.H., (2017). Microbial quality and safety of fresh and dried Rastrineobola argentea from Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Food control, 81,16-22.
Hounmanou, Y.M.G., Mdegela, R.H., Dougnon, T.V., Achoh, M.E., Mhongole, O.J., Agadjihouèdé, H., Gangbè, L. and Dalsgaard, A., (2018). Tilapia lake virus threatens tilapiines farming and food security: Socio-economic challenges and preventive measures in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aquaculture doi:10.1016/ j.aquaculture.2018.05.001
Alex Wenaty, Arvid Fromberg, Faith Mabiki, Bernard Chove, Anders Dalsgaard, Robinson Mdegela. Persistent Organochlorine Compounds Levels in Selected Fish Species from Lake Victoria and Associated Human Health Risks. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Vol. 8, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-9. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20190801.11
Davis Chaula, Henry Laswai, Bernard Chove, Anders Dalsgaard, Robinson Mdegela & Grethe Hyldig (2019)Fatty Acid Profiles and Lipid Oxidation Status of Sun Dried, Deep Fried, and Smoked Sardine (Rastrineobola argentea) from Lake Victoria, Tanzania, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2019.1570992