This project is intended to catalyze ICT application at SUA. It is expected that by the end of the project, ICTs services will be improved and implemented through the university plans. This is because both the SUA ICT Policy and Corporate Strategic Plan put emphasis on integrating ICT into teaching, research, outreach and administrative functions.
In terms of funding ICT matters at SUA, the university has established a developmental fund using internally generated funds such as students’ fees that are expected to increase with increased enrollments. With this arrangement ICT matters will be funded accordingly.
One of the constraint in Tanzania bandwidth is very expensive because of inadequate connectivity. Currently SUA is connected through wireless technology which aggravate the problem. SUA is therefore planning to be connected through the national fiber optic cable. Connecting SUA to the National Fibre-Optic backbone is expected to considerably lower bandwidth costs to affordable levels by the University.
Furthermore, use of proprietary software is significantly expensive compared to free and open source software (FOSS). Adopting FOSS will reduce software costs and protect computers from virus attacks.
Capacity building of ICT staff and users will be incorporated into the university training programs. This will go hand in hand with development of retention mechanism for ICT staff who have been leaving the University. A successful retention mechanism will enable the University to maintain the expected improvement.