1st – 3rd April, 2014
The programme was expected to end in June 2014. However, since we still have unspent funds under research (the 2nd Call projects) capacity building (PhD training, short courses, Strategic intervention and dissemination) we requested and were in principal granted a one-year no cost extension to complete the remaining activities on condition that we revise the log frame and work plans & budget.
In the revised log-frame there will be no call for new research projects because of limited remaining period. Most funds under research have been reallocated fund strategic interventions projects strengthen communication and dissemination.
The 15 first call projects have ended and all have submitted provisional terminal reports. However since, all have unspent funds they have a no cost extension to June 2014. Four of the first calls projects (at least one in each thematic area) were allowed to have continued up to June 2015 using unspent funds and if necessary supplemented by programme. However, research projects will be supported to disseminate results if they have exhausted budget under the line. Among the key expected outputs are scientific papers in refereed journals, policy briefs and public media outlets.
Most of Masters Students have completed funds and there are no funds for this category, unless partially supported by research projects or strategic intervention projects.
The 17 PhD students are expected to finish their studies by June 2015 and we have funds up to that date. We still have funds for staff exchanges short courses and training workshops. Two laboratories to support climate change research are near completion at SUA and UDSM.
We have funds mostly for strategic interventions for a maximum of one year Small or minor SI). Six of these started in January and a will end in December 2014. We expect another call before end of March 2014 and the selected ones will also be for one year. The main objective for these SI is to undertake interventions especially to assist forest/rural community access alternative livelihood strategies that will contribute to reducing deforestation and forest degradation. Include hear are climate smart land use practices. We expect to have 2 major strategic interventions on National Forest Reference Emission Levels (REL) and another on Safeguards. These are programme own (developed) interventions and should involve both Tanzania and Norwegian partners.
Funds have been set aside the operationalization Communication and Information Management Strategy and completion of the TaCCIRe project. Funds are available for dissemination workshops and we are organising a 2-day Writers workshop tomorrow and Friday and we hope most of you will participate where findings from the research projects will be presented. We have 42 papers.
In April 1 – 3, 2014 expect to fund an International Forest and Climate Change We are preparing the tentative programme and we will shortly call for papers. Among the major themes will be the Landscape approach for addressing the climate change challenges under Forests (Mitigation, Adaptation, Governance etc). We encourage all of you to participate. Funds are available to support researchers to participate in international workshops relevant to the programme. The programme has some to organise stakeholder’s workshops in areas of relevance to the programme, including those aimed at developing new projects.
The 3rd M & E exercise is planned in April – May 2014 and will evaluate all programme activities.
SN |
1 |
Mwampashi, YP., Munishi, PKT and Deo D. Shirima, DD |
Woodland structure, basic density and aboveground carbon stocks of the Wet miombo woodlands in Mbozi District, Tanzania. |
2 |
Mshana, JS, Katani, JZ, Chamshama, SAO, Malimbwi, RE, and Zahabu, E. |
Estimation of biomass and Carbon stock for Pinus patula grown in Sao Hill Forest Plantations, Tanzania |
3 |
Msagati, H., Munishi, PKT |
Modeling Approach to Carbon Estimation for Pinus patula Under Smallholder Management in the Southern Highland |
4 |
Mhina, JD; Tamatamah, R.; Lamtane, H and Maganga, F. |
The Impact of Climate Variability on The Distribution and Ecology of Milkfish (Chanos chanos; Forskall 1778) Fingerlings in Mangrove Ecosystems of Bagamoyo. |
5 |
Swai, G; Ndangalas, HJ, Munishi, PKT,. Shirima, DD |
Stocking Characteristics and Carbon Stocks of Hanang Mountain Forest, Tanzania |
6 |
Swai, G. Ndangalas, HJ, Munishi, PKT, Deo D. Shirima, DD |
Tree Species Composition, Richness and Diversity of Hanang Mountain Forest, Tanzania |
7 |
Yona, G.; Bwathondi, P.; Madalla, N; Mwandya, A and Lamtani, H |
Management Status of Artisanal Marine Fisheries in Tanzania |
8 |
Kabura, J., Silayo, DA and Arild Vatn |
The Cost of Managing Forest Carbon under REDD+ Initiatives: A case of Kolo Hills Forest in Kondoa District Dodoma, Tanzania. |
9 |
Lupala, ZJ; Lusambo, LP; Ngaga,YM and Arild Angelsen |
Management, Growth and Carbon sequestration in miombo woodlands of Tanzania: A review |
10 |
Sawe, CT, Munishi, PKT and Maliondo, SM |
Carbon Storage in Disturbed Miombo of Southern Highlands Tanzania and their net contribution to atmospheric Carbon dioxide |
11 |
Msagati, HN; Munishi, PKT; Shirima, DD; Maliondo, SM
Carbon Storage Potential in Pinus patula under Smallholder Forest in the Southern Highlands Tanzania |
12 |
Francis Mwakapuja, Evaristo Liwa and Japhet J. Kashaigili |
Indices combination for extraction of built-up area and vegetation features from Landsat TM image: a case of Dar es Salaam and Kisarawe peri-urban areas, Tanzania |
13 |
F. Nuru, J.M. Abdallah and Y.M. Ngaga
Opportunity Costs of REDD+ to the Communities of Mufindi District, Iringa, Tanzania |
14 |
Upendo Msalilwa1, Suzana Augustino2 and Peter Reuben Gillah2 |
Perceptions on roles of Non-Timber Forest Products for Climate change adaptation by communities around forest resources in Kilolo District, Tanzania |
15 |
Chelestino Balama1, Suzana Augustino1, Siri Eriksen2, Fortunatus B.S. Makonda1 and Numan Amanzi3 |
Climate change adaptation strategies by local farmers in Kilombero District, Tanzania |
16 |
Rebecca J. Jeremiah1, Jonathan S. Mbwambo2 and Dos Santos A. Silayo3 |
Attitudes of Local Communities towards REDD Initiatives in Tanzania. A Case of Selected Communities in Kilwa District |
Open Access Repository
Tanzania Climate Change Information Repository (TaCCIRe) is a repository which provides access to research information on climate change relevant to Tanzania. It includes a wide range of documents such as policy documents, scholarly articles, technical reports, and theses. The repository aims at documenting and enhancing access to relevant information resources produced by Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (CCIAM) programme and other sources. CCIAM is a collaborative programme of five institutions: Ardhi University (ARU), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in Tanzania and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
Follow this link for TaCCIRe