Project purpose
Reduce the impact of climate change and variability on smallholder farmers through sustainable land and water management and thereby contribute to improved agricultural productivity, livelihood and ecosystem resilience in Kiroka village, Morogoro’.
- Improve land and water management at farm and watershed levels by upstream and downstream farmers.
- Promote climate resilient agriculture and Improve agricultural productivity
- Enhanced dialogue and understanding on climate change adaptation practices
- Pendo E. Mahoo (in press-FAO) ‘Reduce the impact of climate change and variability on smallholder farmers through sustainable land and water management and thereby contribute to improved agricultural productivity, livelihood and ecosystem resilience in Kiroka village, Morogoro’.
- Mahoo, Edith Kija, G. Pyumpa, Pendo-Edna H, C.P. Pangapanga and J.N. Masakia (in press-FAO) The system of rice intensification to maximise paddy yields using improved water management, Kiroka village, Morogoro
- P. Pangapanga, H. Mahoo, J.N. Masakia, G. Pyumpa, P.-E. Mahoo and E. Kija (in Press – FAO) Assisting smallholder farmers to adapt to the effects of climate change through soil and water conservation, Kiroka village, Morogoro
- Jackson N. Masakia (in Press-FAO) Cost saving ($410/household/year) and reducing deforestation through energy saving stoves, Kiroka village, Morogoro
- Mahoo, G. Pyumpa, J.N., Masakia, P.-E.Mahoo, E. Kija and C.P. Pangapanga (in Press-FAO) Beekeeping as an incentive for participatory forestry, land and water management in the highland areas of Kiroka village, Morogoro
- Mahoo, P.-E. Mahoo, E. Kija, C.P. Pangapanga, J.N. Masakia and G. Pyumpa (in Press-FAO) Changing the mind-set of Kiroka farmers towards adoption of climate smart agricultural innovations through capacity building
- During the rainy season (March to May 2013), the Fanya Chini contour terraces were very effective in stopping soil and water erosion in the highlands. Many Research Capability farmers acknowledged the usefulness of the contour bunds.
- Many farmers in Kiroka village have converted to the energy saving stoves introduced by the project. They acknowledge that they are now using less fire wood, cooking time is shorter and they do not experience any more smoke in their kitchen.
- The implementation of fruit trees and other tress of economic value in Kiroka Primary School, contributed to its selection with third position in a competition of Primary Schools in three regions (Morogoro, Coast and Dar es Salaam) on Environmental Conservation.
- There is demand of SRI to be introduced in Uganda. This request was expressed by a Ugandan MP who visited the project site in August 2013.
- There is also a demand of SRI to be introduced in Zanzibar. This request was expressed by a high level delegation from Zanzibar when they visited the FAO Pavilion during the Nane-Nane celebration in Dodoma in August 2013. The request was directed to the FAO Representative in Tanzania. During these celebrations, members of the project team were in the FAO pavilion where they demonstrated the SRI technology.
- Disadvantaged groups such as old people, disabled and women were targeted and assisted. For example in all the trainings, women were sometimes more than men. In other cases like study tours a balance between men and women was maintained. As for the other disadvantaged groups such as the old people, energy saving stoves were constructed in their households by the project.