Project summary:
The research aims to investigate the performance of SRI in Tanzania; and to investigate the rodent population, its relationship to rice damage, and prevalence of zoonotic diseases under SRI and traditional rice growing systems in Tanzania. The research site for the project is Mkindo village in Mvomero district. Other implementing partners were Mbeya University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperative, SUA Pest Management centre (SPMC).
Main Objectives:
- To investigate the performance of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in selected study areas in Tanzania
- To investigate the rodent ecology and prevalence of zoonotic diseases under SRI and traditional rice growing systems in selected study areas in Tanzania
Key findings
- SRI practice is best suited to Mkindo with a spacing of 25x25cm, transplanting age of 8-12 days and alternate wetting and drying of 3-4 days
- Rodent research:farmers’ knowledge and ability to know and identify the rodent pests species which attack their crops and take action for controlling, at least 150 farmers are knowledgeable on how to safely use rodenticides wisely for human and environment protection
- Publications: Katambara, Z., F.C. Kahimba,W.B. Mbungu, M. Maugo F. Mhenga and H.F. Mahoo. 2012. Optimizing the system of rice intensification parameters using AquaCrop model for increasing water productivity and water use efficiency in rice production in Tanzania. In Proc. Thirteenth WaterNet/ WARFSA/GWP-SAInternational Symposium on Integrated Water Resource Management. Johannesburg, South Africa, 31st Oct – 2nd Nov, 2012 (Pp 38-42).
- Katambara, Z., F.C. Kahimba, W.B. Mbungu, P. Reuben, M. Maugo, F.D. Mhenga, and H.F. Mahoo. 2013. Optimizing System of Rice Intensification Parameters Using AquaCrop Model for Increasing Water Productivity and Water Use Efficiency on Rice Production in Tanzania. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability. 4(2):235-244.