Project summary
This project aimed to improve the productivity of water by providing extension messages that enable farmers and extension providers to make informed decisions on sustainable strategies for management of soil and plant nutrients through appropriate use of organic and inorganic fertilisers. The project worked to increase the capacity of extension providers to address the needs of the poor by developing their information base and decision-support systems, through research on the means for transacting information and knowledge
Main objective
The main objective of the project was to develop and promote improved strategies for integrated management of soil and plant nutrients under RWH system that would benefit the smallholder farmers in semi-arid areas.
Specific objectives
- Define the current status of soil fertility and management strategies under RWH systems,
- Identify, verify and promote sustainable strategies for soil and plants nutrients management in rainwater harvesting systems, which take into account circumstances of different categories of farmers,
- Increase the capacity of stakeholders, that is government and non- governmental organisations and private services providers, who are active in extension, to plan and provide extension services and advice on strategies for integrated nutrient management, that address the needs of the poor rural farming communities,
- Identify, develop and promote mechanisms for transacting information and knowledge to support farmers’ crop production decisions under RWH conditions.
Key findings
- Indigenous classification of soil fertility should be backed with scientific input to validate and quantify the extent of soil fertility status.
- Understanding of indigenous knowledge and expertise in soil fertility management by farmers and extension staff is essential in designing and development of appropriate and sustainable soil fertility management strategies.
- Farm visits and on-farm demonstration of the various soil fertility management practices were found to be the most effective methods in transacting and disseminating information.
- The government and private service providers, who are key players in agricultural development, should invest more in improving communication approaches to ensure that research findings reach the targeted users.