Project summary:
The project was developed to test practical demonstrations on (i) simple methods based on PARCHED THIRST Model for assessing runoff quantities; and (ii) integrated systems for combining road-drainage with rainwater harvesting with storage.

Project goal:

To develop strategies for improving the livelihoods of poor people  living  in  semi-  arid areas, through improved integrated management of runoff water resources, and reliable rural roads

Project purpose:

To develop and promote approaches for integrating rainwater harvesting into drainage systems of rural roads in semi-arid areas of the Pangani Basin

Main objective

The main objective is to develop and promote approaches for integrating rainwater harvesting into drainage systems of rural roads in semi arid areas. Macro-catchment rainwater harvesting systems by evaluating and modifying runoff generation and routing components of the existing in order that it can effectively simulate water balance and crop growth processes.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To up-grade and extend the capacity of PARCHED –THIRST Model to simulate runoff generation and routing from macro catchments
  2. To design and construct a demonstration system and test its social, economic and technical viability
  3. To promote the approach among stakeholders especially rural road engineers and planners so as to influence the change of rules and regulations regarding drainage systems

Key findings:

  1. PARCHED–THIRST Model with capacity to simulate runoff generation and routing from macro catchments, validated and available
  2. The social, economic and technical viability of a system integrating RWH and Road Drainage tested and verified
  3. The approach is promoted among stakeholders especially rural road engineers and planners so as to influence the change of rules and regulations regarding drainage systems


  1. Mzirai, O.B. (2007) Modelling of Macro- catchment Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Maize Production in Semi-arid Areas. PhD Thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania.


  • Status: Completed Project
  • Funding organization: WAFSA
  • Project Year: 2004 - 2005