Main and Specific Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to “improve capacity of research institutions in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) to deliver timely scientific advice and expert assessment for climate change adaptation investments and policy decisions in agriculture and water resources”.
The specific objectives and their activities are:
- Improve the assessment of climate change impacts in agriculture and water resources.
- Assess the costs and benefits of the adaptation options to guide climate change risk planning and investments.
- Enhance capacities of participating research institutions to advance knowledge on climate change adaptation planning.
- Facilitate knowledge sharing platforms to inform climate change adaptation policies and actions.
Participating Institutions
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) -Tanzania, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)-Kenya, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)-Ethiopia, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC)- Sudan.
- Mugula, V.J., (2014). Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in smallholder Rice Production Systems in Wami-Ruvu Basin, Tanzania. M.Sc. Thesis. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Morogoro, Tanzania.
- Mnimbo, T.S., (2014). A gendered analysis of vulnerability to climate change among smallholder farmers: The case of Same District. M.Sc. Thesis. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Morogoro, Tanzania.
- Kumela, T. (2014).Economics of selected adaptation options to climate change on maize at Adama district in Oromia Regional State. MSc Thesis. Jimma University in Ethiopia.
- Sanga, C., Sumari, N., and Tumbo, S.D. (2013). On the Development of Climate Data Visualization tool for Interpretation of Empirical Results from Climate Model: Does it add Value to Different Stakeholders. In Proc. & Reports, 6th UbuntuNet Alliance Annual Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, ISSN 2223-7062. pp 223-235
- Mourice, S.J., C.L. Rweyemamu, S.D. Tumbo, and N. Amuri (2014). Maize cultivar Specific Parameters for Decision support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) Application in Tanzania. American Journal of Plant Sciences 5, 821-833.
- Ndomba, P.M., (2014). Stream flow Data Needs for Water resources Management and Monitoring Challenges: A case Study of Wami River Subbasin in Tanzania. In Nile River basin. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.