The 2nd Annual Agroecology Stakeholders’ Forum

The second annual stakeholders’ forum organized by the AEHT secretariat was held at the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), Edward Moringe Campus, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). The forum brought together a diverse group of 46 participants representing higher learning institutions, national agricultural research institutions, government and non-government organizations (NGOs), and representatives from the farmer research networks and farmer’s groups.

The forum aimed at deliberating on AEHT activities as well as discussing the way forward regarding the implementation of the National Ecological Organic Agriculture Strategy (NEOAS), which was inaugurated in Dodoma in November 2023. It was officiated by Prof. Robinson Mdegela (Coordinator for Research and Publications at SUA) on behalf of the Director for Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC), Prof. Japheth Kashaigili.

During the inauguration, Prof. Mdegela commended the hub secretariat for the involvement of various agroecology stakeholders particularly farmers, who are the focal point for agricultural development initiatives in the country. Also, he commended the fact that the forum would provide stakeholders with the opportunity to discuss and recommend how best to implement the recently launched NEOAS strategy.

Guest of honour, Prof. Robinson H. Mdegela officiating the Annual Stakeholders’ Forum

Prof. Dismas Mwaseba handing copies of NEOAS and the report of the 3rd National Ecological Organic Agriculture Conference to Prof. Mdegela

Chairperson of the task force, Ms. Ayesiga Buberwa presenting the AEHT proposed governance structure

During the forum, the following were presented:

  • Progress report of Task Force on Improvement of Governance Structure of the Hub – Ms. A. Buberwa, Country Director, Iles de Paix (IDP) and Chairperson of the Task Force
  • Systematic Literature Review of Agroecology in Tanzania – Prof. K.P. Sibuga/Dr. E. A. Lazaro
  • Protocol of Agroecology Research in Tanzania – Dr. Jean-Luc Paul
  • Mapping of Agroecology Stakeholder Needs – Prof. K.P. Sibuga/Dr. Jean-Luc Paul
  • Development of Curriculum of a short course on agroecology for in-service extension staff- Prof. Sangeda
  • Updates on progress made after launching of NEOAS and way forward – Coordinator, Agroecology, Ministry of Agriculture
  • Discussion – Facilitators

Participants of the Annual Agroecology Stakeholder’s Forum, 2024

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